Daily schedule

Monday to Friday

7.00-9.00am: students arrive, free play and activities (hand washing upon arrival)

8.30am: breakfast (hand washing, potty break)

9.00am - 12.00pm: Instructional program (letters, reading, numbers, math, science, arts and crafts on a rotating schedule – activities tailored to age groups, roughly 20-30 minute blocks)

10.00am: morning snack (hand washing, potty break)

11.00am: playground or indoor large muscle play (hand washing, potty break)

12.00 - 1.00pm: (hand washing, potty break, lunch, prep for naptime)

1.30-3.00pm: nap time (quiet activities)

4.00pm: afternoon snack (hand washing, potty break)

4.30-5.30pm: playground or indoor large muscle play (hand washing, potty break)

5:30-7.00pm: free play and structured afternoon clubs, children begin to go home

We have started the enrollment for the Summer School (June, July and August) and for the 2024/2025 academic year

Visit Parents' Corner for updated information and enrollment forms!
Toate drepturile rezervate - MY FIRST ENGLISH ADVENTURE, str. Oituz nr. 53F, Otopeni | web design by Dow Media